General Registration Information For All Players - girls and boys
Fees: FEES: $160.00 for all divisions. The league will consider requests for financial assistance.
Player evaulation: The schedule for player evaluation will be emailed to each registered family and some will be posted on this website. In general, assessment times are assigned by age. The youngest players are in the first group and the oldest players in the last of the 6 groups. ALL registered players are required to participate in assessments, which are used to balance the teams. Assessments are NOT used to cut players.
Email: If you do not have regular access to email - please make note of this when you register so your coach knows this.
Residency: Registrations for new players is limited to those families residing in Easttown and Tredyffrin townships.
Help needed: Coaches, assistant coaches, and other volunteers are always welcome. Please indicate your interest on your child's registration form or contact us if you want to help in any way. Requirements: All players should indicate the size of their jersey (t-shirt) on the registration form.
Program commitment: It is very important that all players who register have schedules that will permit them to attend the majority of practices and games. While we encourage players to be well-rounded, frequent conflicts with indoor soccer, winter swimming, school plays, etc. can be especially disruptive to a team and unfair to others who wished to participate and could not because of space restrictions.
Team selection: Each team roster is new each year.